Why are you receiving this request for Additional Information?
Elevated or anomalous activity has been recorded in your wallet and we are required by U.S. Regulation to review the Additional Information you provide in the form you have been sent.
Note: Your account will be inaccessible until the Additional Information Review is complete.
Completion of the Additional Information Questions is required.
If it is determined by Coinme that your account will be permanently closed, you will be directed to complete the Reimbursement Process to retrieve the funds held.
What is the Additional Information Review for?
This is a routine review of your account to ensure Coinme is following guidelines that are meant to keep your account safe and secure.
Completion of this form ensures that Coinme is compliant with US Regulations such as the Washington Department of Financial Institutions and Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN) guidelines for Know Your Customer (KYC).
Declining to complete the Additional Information Questions will result in permanent account closure.
If you decline to complete the questions you will need to go through the Reimbursement Process to retrieve the funds held.
Complete the questions as soon as possible with as much detail as possible, this will ensure a faster review of your information.
If you need further assistance, please reach out to Customer Support.